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Scotney Castle is steeped in centuries of history and our team of volunteers are always unearthing Scotney’s secrets and unveiling the past. The earliest record of occupancy dates from 1137 but from 1778, it was the Hussey family who were in residence at Scotney until it was left to the National Trust in 1970 by the last Hussey to live there, Christopher Hussey.
Arthur’s War
In a black metal trunk, hidden away in our attic a team of volunteers have discovered a treasure trove from the personal collection of a commanding officer from the First World War. From 1914-19, Brigadier-General Arthur Hussey was the Commander, Royal Artillery, of the Fifth Division. From 9 October 2014, we will be displaying items from his collection including his war diaries in our exhibition, Arthur's War.
The Hussey family had a tradition of keeping scrap books. They have provided us with a really good insight into how they lived. Here is an example of one of them for you to have a flick through.
'Vix ea nostra voco'
Edward Hussey III spent many happy years here with his wife and children, but only two more generations of the family have lived here since then. It is maybe for that reason that the new house has been little altered. It has always been a welcoming and sociable place, filled with books and paintings, many of which were created by the Husseys.
The attitude which Edward had about his possessions is highlighted in his family motto 'Vix ea nostra voco' which means 'I scarcely call these things our own'.
There is a secret door in the library made to look like a bookcase
   Margaret Thatcher had an apartment here during her time in office Richard Gere starred in a film here in 1979 called Yanks
   There are hidden priest holes in the Old Castle. In the quarry there is the footprint of an Iguanadon

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