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Bodiam Castle is located near the village of Robertsbridge in East Sussex.
It was constructed in the 14th century to defend the area against a possible invasion
by France during the Hundred Years’ War.
Bodiam Castle was built by Edward Dalyngrigge, one of Henry III’s knights, in 1385.
   It is made from sandstone and doesn’t have a keep. Instead, the rooms and chambers are built against the curtain walls.
   Bodiam Castle has towers at its corners and entrances and a large moat. As well as providing an additional layer of defence, Bodiam’s moat also made the castle look larger and more formidable than it actually was.Bodiam Castle was built by Edward Dalyngrigge, one of Henry III’s knights, in 1385.
   It is made from sandstone and doesn’t have a keep. Instead, the rooms and chambers are built against the curtain walls.
   Bodiam Castle has towers at its corners and entrances and a large moat. As well as providing an additional layer of defence, Bodiam’s moat also made the castle look larger and more formidable than it actually was.
Bodiam Castle
   It is a quadrangular (square shaped) castle.
   During the reign of Richard III, a siege against Bodiam was planned. Records do not show whether or not the attack went ahead.
   Much of Bodiam’s interior was destroyed by parliamentarians during the English Civil War.
They were attempting to reduce the risk of fortified buildings being used against them. Thankfully, the castles exterior was left alone.
   During the 17th and 18th centuries, Bodiam Castle became a ruin. Drawings from this era show the castle in a state of disrepair and covered in ivy.
Bodiam Castle is now a tourist attraction run by the National Trust and it is visited by more than 150,000 people every year.
   The castle has appeared in the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail,
an episode of the TV show Doctor Who,
 and a music video by Enya.
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